We sell a wide variety of paintings at auction, including oil paintings. Typically on canvas, oil paintings tend to be more valuable than watercolors and pastels. Oil paintings by listed artists tend to be more valuable than those painted by less-established artists. Antique paintings tend to be more valuable than contemporary works. We’ve auctioned paintings from American and international artists, and both can sell well at auction.
Most oil paintings we encounter are part of an estate, one with a wide range of other items. Many estates have a few oil paintings, and typically only one or two of them
(at most) will be valuable. You may have at least one oil painting, too. You probably don’t know the value, but are confident you’ve got something of value to a collector.
Contact Central Mass Auctions. We work with clients throughout Massachusetts, New England, and beyond. We run both live art auctions and online art auctions, and can help you sell your oil painting for top dollar at either.